I have my react application that uses hash based url’s (http://localhost:8080/#/login), on my SPA app I have "
http://localhost:8080/implicit/callback" as my callback url. My routes configuration has , so everything in place.
But after provide my credentials (user/pass) on the okta-signin-widget, I have “http://localhost:8080/implicit/callback#/code=rCZxRR9mQ8_VTQHyCMLU&state=fTvGLGXqjx1QenupaZy5dBHzrUbYxjs4DCn6jvYHkIfualK01TqVW” as result of the redirect from OKTA, but this results in a not found, probably because of the hash based url.
I have been walking in circles with this issue, can somebody help-me with ideas on how to solve this?