Hi Team,
I am following below steps to reset my username password however, getting error.
1- Click on Forget Password link
2- Enter the username
3- Click on Next button
4- Email sent to registered email address. Once, click on “Send an Email button”, then ask for Verification Code sent in the email.
5- Instead of entering the verification code, I have clicked on “Reset Button” from email.
6- New screen open up in new tab asking for new and confirm password.
5- Once, Enter the new and confirm password, error occurs as below.
Please suggest if I can remove the Reset Button from the email template or how I can successfully reset password via Reset Password button.
What do you see in the system log? Is there any error related to a password policy restricting you from changing the password, or something similar?
@phi1ipp / Team
System logs doesn’t shows any error message or any restriction
For same user, Forget password is working form OKTA dashbaord.
Does the Reset Password button from the email lead to a default Okta hosted login page? Or do you have custom one?
Yes. From email Reset Password button it send you to default OKTA hosted login page asking to end new password and confirm password.
Sharing screenshot for your reference.
Sometime, on click of Reset Password button email send me to this below screenshot asking to enter code in another screen.
however, there is another option it gives me to enter the password using below screenshot
but using Button click from email, it gives me error.
I just read about EVE, can you how I can implement that as I can think only option that is causing the issue.
Looking for your response.
I’ve seen that happening when you initiate the flow in one browser but you open a link in a different one. Is it your case?
Hi @phi1ipp thanks for the response. Yes, this could be possible that email and reset flow is on different browser.
However, THE MAIN PROBLEM is I can’t reset the password using Reset Password button as it gives error
“You have been logged out due to inactivity. Refresh or return to the sign in screen”
Related to this error I have observed few things that maybe need to configure but could you please confirm if this needs to be work on as Redirect Url I am using Embedded Sign In Widget
EVE (will that help to resolve this issue)
Those screenshots are not relevant to your use case. It’s hard to suggest anything at this point. Probably thorough inspection of network exchange would help. I suggest you to open a ticket with Okta Support if you can’t find anything obvious.
@phi1ipp I guess i got 1 clue by reading one OKTA article asking to integrate EML (Email Magic Link) with Embedded Sign In widget
I am using ASP.NET MVC web app where I have OIDC Embedded sign widget using Identity Engine.
I can’t see any code implementation. Can you please suggest any sample code how to create and integrate EML