Push groups error

Hi Team,

I am getting below error while pushing groups.

Unable to update Group Push mapping target App group TTS-text-hnaa: Error while creating user group TTS-text-hnaa: Resource Not Found. Errors reported by remote server:

I can confirm user got created on the target server and user assigned to the group is also created however the user created is not mapped to group created at the target end,

Hanuman Akella

Is your SCIM server returning a 404 when Okta attempts to create a group?

Hi, SCIM provisioning is successful however pushing groups is failing.

Hanuman Akella

Hi, I could see “Push User Deactivation is disabled” for my enterprise application created. I am not sure if this is related ? Any thoughts on it ?

I wouldn’t think that would be related to an issue with pushing a group. So did you see any logs on the SCIM side related to a request being made to Okta that returned a non-successful response (which I would assume to be a 4xx response)?

unfortunately I don’t see that 4xx response/error.

Hello, this is the exact error I have received when pushing group, even though SCIM provisioning Test Configuration succeeded “connector configured successfully”

Error: Failed on 06-05-2024 03:19:53PM UTC: Unable to update Group Push mapping target App group A_B_C: Error while creating user group A_B_C: Bad Request. Errors reported by remote server:

Unfortunately, if your SCIM server is the one returning the 400 error, there’s not much we can help with from the Okta side of things.

As long as you’ve provide Okta the correct the SCIM endpoint, Okta will attempt to make requests to its associated /Users and /Groups endpoints and you would need to check the logs/integration details on your side to determine why it is returning a Bad Request failure.