Register a new user through IDX

I am unable to register a user with Okta OEI.
Below is the okta configuration

export const oktaClient = () => {
	return new OktaAuth({
    issuer: 'https://{customAuthzServer}/oauth2/{customAuthzServerID}',
    clientId: 'OIDCAppClientID',
    redirectUri: '',
    scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email'],
    pkce: true,
    useInteractionCodeFlow: true

React app configuration to use idx.register

  const oktaAuth = oktaClient();

    const transaction = await oktaAuth.idx.register({ 
      firstName: this.state.firstName,
      lastName: this.state.lastName,
      authenticators: ["okta_password"] // even tried with  authenticators: ['password']

I am able to get a status as ‘PENDING’
but the below configuration calls only /introspect and /enroll

    const { 
      pwdstatus, // IdxStatus.SUCCESS
    } = await oktaAuth.idx.proceed({ 
      password: 'mytestPwd' 

    const { 
      proceedstatus, // IdxStatus.SUCCESS
    } = await oktaAuth.idx.proceed({ 
       skip: true 

Please let me know if there are any changes required Profile Enrollment or the register call to Okta?

For anyone who might have issues in future.

  • I had to configure profile enrollment as below

  • The signOn authentication policy for my OIDC app has only password as authenticator.

  • I had to update authenticator enrollment policy to include email and phone as optional or disabled.

  • Global session policy allocated to the pertaining group the user is created. For this example I have it as “Everyone”

I am able to create a user in Okta get status as Pending with enroll-authenticator with password as next step as below

Step 1
   let registerTransaction = await oktaAuth.idx.register({
      firstName: "testuser",
      lastName: "testlastname",
      email: ""
      authenticators: ["okta_password"]

and then proceed with

Step 2
 const proceedTransaction  = await oktaAuth.idx.proceed({
      password: "myPwd"


for the above step 2 I get status as Pending and nextStep as select-authenticator-enroll for email and phonenumber and that could be because authenticator enrollment policy as email and phone number as optional. But since I need registration only with password I have step 3

Step 3
   const skipTransaction  = await oktaAuth.idx.proceed(
      { skip: true }

for the above step 3 I get status as Success with tokens consisting of access and id.

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