Sign in Widget - Missing Nonce

I have the sign in widget working very well, except the token I get back is missing the nonce.

Initializing The Widget

Here is how i am initializing the widget. I even put nonce in two places to see if it would help and got no luck.

oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn({
baseUrl: window.SAML_baseURL,
clientId: window.SAML_clientId,
redirectUri : window.SAML_redirectUri,
authParams: {
issuer: ‘default’,
responseType: [‘token’],
display: ‘page’,
nonce: saml_accessTokenNonce
nonce: saml_accessTokenNonce,
logo: window.SAML_firmBrandingPhoto.url

Parsing the redirect-uri

Here is a sample of one access token that is returned to my redirect-uri.

If you decode the token on you will see that there is no nonce.

Here is how I am getting the token out of the url.

function success(res) {
oktaSignIn.tokenManager.add(‘my_id_token’, res);
function error(err) {

When I pass the token to my jwt verifier it throws ‘Nonce does not match what is expected. Make sure to provide the nonce with setNonce() from the JwtVerifierBuilder.’,

Thanks for any help or tips!