SSO in Xamarin Cross Platform mobile app


I’m trying to configure Okta OAuth into a Xamarin Forms project.

I’m using the Xamarin.Auth.XamarinForms nuget package to achieve that.

Here is the main part of the OAuth code:

var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(
            clientId: "xxxxxxx",
            scope: "openid profile offline_access",
            authorizeUrl: new Uri(""),
            redirectUrl: new Uri("com.oktapreview.xxxxx:/callback"))
            AccessTokenUrl = new Uri("")

I got the following error:

PKCE code challenge is required when the token endpoint authentication method is 'NONE'

If I don’t set any AccessTokenUrl the error is:

The response type is not supported by authorization server. Configured response types: [code]

I’ve also tried different scope configuration without any success.

Any idea of what is wrong in the configuration of the OAuth2Authenticator instance?

@allen.foster Did you solved your issue?

Thanks for your help.
