The Provisioning Agent call to getConnectorConfig failed. Error code: 404, error: . Errors reported by the connector : <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 404 – Not Found</title><style type="text/css">body {font-

The Provisioning Agent call to getConnectorConfig failed. Error code: 404, error: . Errors reported by the connector : <!doctype html>HTTP Status 404 – Not Foundbody {font-

h1>HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

Type Status Report

Message /example-server/ServiceProviderConfigs

Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

Apache Tomcat/8.5.50

The following steps have been done by me,

  1. Create a simple scim project implementing SCIMInterface and applied the logic to create a war {SQLConnector}.
  2. Installed the Okta provisioning agent and SCIM Server(tomcat 8.5) in a Windows 2012R2 server.{Both in same machine}
  3. Deployed the war on to the SCIMServer.
  4. Configured the self signed certs for https using keytool.

SCIM URl: https://localhost:8443/example-server

I am receiving error while testing the connector configuration.


  1. The war is up and running and is reachable over https.
  2. I am receiving the error irrespective of any war.

Hi @sbhattacharya

Can you please change inside Okta the SCIM connector base URL from localhost to the internal IP address of the machine that runs the application and try again?

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