FAIL - Application at context path [/scimServer] could not be started

Hello everyone,

I am working on the SCIM connector from Okta and I am stuck when I deploy my connector on a tomcat. I used the Okta SDK to build the connector and I followed this guide : Create SCIM connectors for on-premises provisioning | Okta

Here is my code:
Pom.xml :







    <!--Okta dependencies-->

    <!-- Spring dependencies -->

    <!--transitive dependencies that are also needed-->
            <exclusion> <!-- Exclude httpclient, unboundid uses older - 4.0.1-->



</build> :

import com.okta.scim.server.capabilities.UserManagementCapabilities;
import com.okta.scim.server.exception.DuplicateGroupException;
import com.okta.scim.server.exception.EntityNotFoundException;
import com.okta.scim.server.exception.OnPremUserManagementException;
import com.okta.scim.util.model.*;

    public class testScim implements com.okta.scim.server.service.SCIMService {
        public SCIMUser createUser(SCIMUser scimUser) throws OnPremUserManagementException {
            return null;

    public SCIMUser updateUser(String s, SCIMUser scimUser) throws OnPremUserManagementException, EntityNotFoundException {
        return null;

    public SCIMUserQueryResponse getUsers(PaginationProperties paginationProperties, SCIMFilter scimFilter) throws OnPremUserManagementException {
        return null;

    public SCIMUser getUser(String s) throws OnPremUserManagementException, EntityNotFoundException {
        return null;

    public SCIMGroup createGroup(SCIMGroup scimGroup) throws OnPremUserManagementException, DuplicateGroupException {
        return null;

    public SCIMGroup updateGroup(String s, SCIMGroup scimGroup) throws OnPremUserManagementException, EntityNotFoundException {
        return null;

    public SCIMGroupQueryResponse getGroups(PaginationProperties paginationProperties) throws OnPremUserManagementException {
        return null;

    public SCIMGroup getGroup(String s) throws OnPremUserManagementException, EntityNotFoundException {
        return null;

    public void deleteGroup(String s) throws OnPremUserManagementException, EntityNotFoundException {


    public UserManagementCapabilities[] getImplementedUserManagementCapabilities() {
        return new UserManagementCapabilities[0];


<!--this is the required spring configuration file that is included within the scim-server-sdk jar-->
<import resource="classpath:opp-sdk-config.xml"/>

<bean id="service" class="testScim">
    <!--The SDK ships with the sample users.json and groups.json in the src/main/resources directory. Provide the absolute path to these files below. Edit these files with the users/groups you want to be imported into Okta.
     If you do not want to store any data in files, you can leave the value for these property empty-->
    <property name="usersFilePath" value=""/>
    <property name="groupsFilePaths" value=""/>

When I build my .war and try to deploy it in tomcat, I get the following error: FAIL - Application at context path [/scimServer] could not be started.

If I ask around, it seems that the problem comes from my bean and indeed, I had forgotten to configure the two properties of my bean.

The questions are :
Where does my problem come from?
And What should I replace usersFilePath and groupsFilePath with ?

Thank you,

sorry for my poor English

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