I have installed the OPP Agent and downloaded the example server sdk and then
performed the below steps,
- locate the /lib/scim-server-sdk jar file from the SDK root directory
- Install it locally: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=…/lib/scim-server-sdk-01.03.02.jar -DgroupId=com.okta.scim.sdk -DartifactId=scim-server-sdk -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=01.03.02
- Build the example: mvn package
- Take the target/scim-server-example-*.war and copy it to your Tomcat directory and run it.
- You can now use the tester to run methods against this example SCIM connector.
When am trying to test, am getting the following error,
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_271\jre\bin>java -jar “C:\Users\serviceadmin\Downloads\Okta-Provisioning-Connector-SDK-01.03.02\tester\scim-sdk-tests.jar” -url http://localhost:8080 -method getImplementedUserManagementCapabilities
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:14.872 ] [ main ] [ScimClientImpl] [INFO] - making GET request to http://localhost:8080/ServiceProviderConfigs
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:15.022 ] [ main ] [ScimClientImpl] [WARN] - error status of 404 received from http://localhost:8080/ServiceProviderConfigs
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:15.030 ] [ main ] [TesterRuntime] [ERROR] - null
Any idea on this ?