OKTA - Onprem Provisioning Agent

I have installed the OPP Agent and downloaded the example server sdk and then
performed the below steps,

  1. locate the /lib/scim-server-sdk jar file from the SDK root directory
  2. Install it locally: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=…/lib/scim-server-sdk-01.03.02.jar -DgroupId=com.okta.scim.sdk -DartifactId=scim-server-sdk -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=01.03.02
  3. Build the example: mvn package
  4. Take the target/scim-server-example-*.war and copy it to your Tomcat directory and run it.
  5. You can now use the tester to run methods against this example SCIM connector.

When am trying to test, am getting the following error,

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_271\jre\bin>java -jar “C:\Users\serviceadmin\Downloads\Okta-Provisioning-Connector-SDK-01.03.02\tester\scim-sdk-tests.jar” -url http://localhost:8080 -method getImplementedUserManagementCapabilities
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:14.872 ] [ main ] [ScimClientImpl] [INFO] - making GET request to http://localhost:8080/ServiceProviderConfigs
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:15.022 ] [ main ] [ScimClientImpl] [WARN] - error status of 404 received from http://localhost:8080/ServiceProviderConfigs
[ 11-03-2021 15:18:15.030 ] [ main ] [TesterRuntime] [ERROR] - null

Any idea on this ?