The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel issue

Please help me how to solve The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
issue, i create new OKTA Account and create Token. i’m using c# language with (okta.core.dll)

string Apikey = “*******************************************”;
string ApiUrl = “https://dev-*****”;
var oktaClient = new OktaClient(Apikey, new Uri(ApiUrl));
var usersClient = oktaClient.GetUsersClient();
var CurrentUser = usersClient.Add(user);

            return CurrentUser.Id;

Please help me

Hello @Praveenvid,

This error is caused by TLS 1.2 incompatibility. We’re currently migrating all systems to an exclusive-TLS 1.2 network and all implementations calling Okta must update to accommodate for this.

Please take a look at this for more information:

Thank you,
Andrei Hava
Developer Support Team

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