Unable to verify event hook

Hi , I am testing out the event hook feature in Okta, but when I try to verify the endpoint, the message came out to be:

Unable to verify event hook. Could not deserialize response due to error at Line 1 Column 1

My functions will detect the X-Okta-Verification-Challenge header and outputs a response something like: { “verification”: “ks58ZrThPLf22kTDavKLhm9aukKNECTmg–3gpsw” }

What am I doing wrong here?
The authentication field, secret and header fields are empty in the settings.

Hello Aleazan,

Can you run a GET request on your Event Hook endpoint and take a screenshot of the response you get and post it here?

Make sure that your output is encoded in UTF8 as well: Event hook verification failed - Could not deserialize response

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