What are the judging criteria for the hackathon?

What are the judging criteria for the hackathon?

Hey @divyankac if you go to https://okta-hackathon-2021.devpost.com/ and scroll to the end you will see the “Judging Criteria” section there :blush:

Thank you, but I find it very vague.

Hi @divyankac !

I would recommend checking out Section 6 (Judges & Criteria) of the Official Rules located here. It should provide a much more in-depth breakdown of the criteria, stages, and weighting described for submission evaluation.

I hope that helps - happy building!

Here is the excerpt:
6. Judges & Criteria.

Eligible submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the Poster (the “Judges”). Judges may be employees of the Poster or third parties, may or may not be listed individually on the Hackathon Website, and may change before or during the Judging Period. Judging may take place in one or more rounds with one or more panels of Judges, at the discretion of the Poster.

Stage One) The first stage will determine via pass/fail whether the ideas meet a baseline level of viability, in that the project reasonably fits the theme and reasonably applies the required APIs/SDKs featured in the Hackathon.

Stage Two) All submissions that pass Stage One will be evaluated in Stage Two based on the following equally weighted criteria (the “Judging Criteria”):

Entries will be judged on the following equally weighted criteria, and according to the sole and absolute discretion of the judges:

  • Creativity and Originality of the Idea (Includes quality, creativity and originality of the idea.);
  • Implementation of the Idea (Includes how well the idea was executed by the developer, how many features of Okta were leveraged beyond user registration and login.); and
  • Potential Impact (Includes the potential value and usefulness to real-world users.)

The Judging Criteria may not apply to every Prize. The scores from the Judges will determine the potential winners of the First, Second, and Third Place Prizes as seen in Section 8. The Entrant(s) that are eligible for a Prize, and whose Submissions earn the highest overall scores based on the applicable Judging Criteria, will become potential winners of that Prize.

The Most Supportive Hacker prizes as seen in Section 8 will be awarded based on the number of valuable and helpful responses provided to other participants on the Okta Developer Forum’s hackathon section during the Submission Period. Helpful and valuable responses are based on participation in the Okta Developer Forum, including posting and/or responding to questions that assists other participants in making progress towards resolving issues or questions. These responses will be judged by Okta’s Judges.

6. Judges & Criteria.

Eligible submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the Poster (the “Judges”). Judges may be employees of the Poster or third parties, may or may not be listed individually on the Hackathon Website, and may change before or during the Judging Period. Judging may take place in one or more rounds with one or more panels of Judges, at the discretion of the Poster.

Stage One) The first stage will determine via pass/fail whether the ideas meet a baseline level of viability, in that the project reasonably fits the theme and reasonably applies the required APIs/SDKs featured in the Hackathon.

Stage Two) All submissions that pass Stage One will be evaluated in Stage Two based on the following equally weighted criteria (the “Judging Criteria”):

Entries will be judged on the following equally weighted criteria, and according to the sole and absolute discretion of the judges:

  • Creativity and Originality of the Idea (Includes quality, creativity and originality of the idea.);
  • Implementation of the Idea (Includes how well the idea was executed by the developer, how many features of Okta were leveraged beyond user registration and login.); and
  • Potential Impact (Includes the potential value and usefulness to real-world users.)

The Judging Criteria may not apply to every Prize. The scores from the Judges will determine the potential winners of the First, Second, and Third Place Prizes as seen in Section 8. The Entrant(s) that are eligible for a Prize, and whose Submissions earn the highest overall scores based on the applicable Judging Criteria, will become potential winners of that Prize.

The Most Supportive Hacker prizes as seen in Section 8 will be awarded based on the number of valuable and helpful responses provided to other participants on the Okta Developer Forum’s hackathon section during the Submission Period. Helpful and valuable responses are based on participation in the Okta Developer Forum, including posting and/or responding to questions that assists other participants in making progress towards resolving issues or questions. These responses will be judged by Okta’s Judges.

Tie Breaking. For each Prize listed below, if two or more submissions are tied, the tied submission with the highest score in the first applicable criterion listed above will be considered the higher scoring submission. In the event any ties remain, this process will be repeated, as needed, by comparing the tied Submissions’ scores on the next applicable criterion. If two or more submissions are tied on all applicable criteria, the panel of Judges will vote on the tied submissions.