For the purpose of learning, I wanted to sign up for Okta developer platform using my Google account, but it’s absolutely impossible. After entering my Google Account credentials and password I gave a 403 Access Forbidden error or can use only dashboard and nothing more. Please help me! My Okta Domain is “dev-84093712 okta com”.
Hi Karolina, I’m going to DM you about getting you unblocked!
I am having the same issue. I am trying to create a Okta Dev account but I get the 403 access forbidden error.
I am having the same issue with 2 accounts dev-26844667 and dev-52602052, can you help me? please
@nicole hi can you also help me? this is my domain “dev-03222993.okta.com”
what type of error ?
403 Access Forbidden. Login forbidden and also when i tried set the password from the " Welcome to your Okta developer account" email send, the view is only white screen
@xerxesjason I dm’d you.
For anyone who may run across this post for the same issue, this error is being caused because a setting to enforce MFA for the Admin Console is being auto-enabled when your org is being created. Signing up with the social idp like GitHub or Google right now, you’re not being prompted to enroll in a second factor so you’re essentially locked out from the org. We are addressing this with engineering, but for now as these come in we are manually disabling this setting. I highly recommend once you’re able to access the org enabling and enrolling in a second factor so that you don’t run into this if it gets re-enabled in the future
@nicole, facing same issue here, need help on this.
can someone please help me out here?
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