I’m looking to set up AWS Control Tower SCIM. I’ve followed the outline from AWS, everything is working except for the push groups. So the group shows up in AWS after pushing and states it was created via SCIM, but still shows an error and won’t provision users.
Any thoughts?
Changes to the Group push mapping for the group awsssoPowerUsers could not take effect due to error: Error while creating user group awsssoPowerUsers: Exception in deserializing the Group Json String. Error message=Resource ‘Group’ is malformed: ‘urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0’ must be declared in the schemas attribute., json string={“id”:“14b854c8-00d1-706e-055b-728557f8828a”,“meta”:{“resourceType”:“Group”,“created”:“2024-05-10T18:24:17Z”,“lastModified”:“2024-05-10T18:24:17Z”},“schemas”:[“urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group”],“displayName”:“awsssoPowerUsers”,“members”:}, uri=null