Better, Faster, Lighter Java with Java 12 and JHipster 6

Matt Raible

I’m glad to hear you figured it out!

Paul Warfield

Great article and place to get acclimatised to JHipster. I pray you create more videos on you tube for your tutorials. As newbies to software Engineering we find it hard to adopt to this exciting tech because there are a few resources on you tube for guidance and learning basics. Thanks so much. From Uganda

Paul Warfield

Great article and place to get acclimatised to JHipster. I pray you create more videos on you tube for your tutorials. As newbies to software Engineering we find it hard to adopt to this exciting tech because there are a few resources on you tube for guidance and learning basics. Thanks so much. From Uganda

Andrew Dopheide

@mattraible , thank you for the article. Quick question - is it possible to get the app running using an org’s default authorization server (In Okta) instead of having to get the authorization server add-on to set the groups claim?

Matt Raible

No, you cannot use your org’s default authorization server (with no /oauth2/* suffix) because those tokens cannot be validated outside of Okta. You can create a free developer account. That ships with the authorization server add-on for free. We’re working to fix things so you can have the same functionality with an IT account (vs. dev).