Email template providing same baseUrl for each brand

I have created a custom brand where I have provided my custom domain. Now I use that domain for login into my application. (Have changed the default application for that brand’s sign-in page through settings)
Now when I add user through api using my custom domain user gets the email from that brand.
But the problem is when I add user manually from admin console or through api using default brand’s domain, in that also the activation link is containing custom domain url only which causes the user to land on my application instead of the okta dashboard.
In simple words the value of the parameter “${baseUrl}” and "${activationLink} is not changing in the code of email templates in the brand

Thank you for reaching out here on the Okta Developer Forum. We noticed that your question is more closely related to Custom Email Domain. To ensure you receive the most accurate and timely assistance, we recommend reposting your query on Okta’s Community at: Okta Help Center (Lightning)

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