Enquiry on the change from umd.js files to a umd directory with modular code

We were using okta-auth-js v5 and moving to the latest stable version ie 7.5.1, I have noticed that the file structure change of the downloaded tar.gz file and wanted to ensure the upgrade would not break the initial changes.
We were using the file: “okta-auth-js/dist/okta-auth-js.umd.js” (which is no longer available in v7) and I am now trying to decide whether I should use “okta-auth-js/umd/default.js” or “okta-auth-js/umd/core.js”.

The core.js is documented here: Core Okta API | Okta Developer
But cant seem to find documentation explaining what the default.js actually provides, seems to me like it is includes idx, core, authn and myaccount modules. I havent found docs to validate this claim.

Github repo link: GitHub - okta/okta-auth-js: The official js wrapper around Okta's auth API