Error when trying to complete blog tutorial "Build a Basic Website with ASP.NET MVC and Angular "

I have complete the online blog and the app is running with no bugs, but when I try to login I get failed attempts because of a “unsupported_response_type”.

Here is the error, can some one point me into the right direction to fix this?

Okta Login Failure:

[FAILURE] : unsupported_response_type [Org Authorization Server] ([AuthorizationServer])

Browser Error:

“OpenIdConnectMessage.Error was not null, indicating an error. Error: ‘unsupported_response_type’. Error_Description (may be empty): ‘The response type is not supported by the authorization server. Configured response types: [token, id_token].’. Error_Uri (may be empty): ‘’.”

add key=“okta:ClientId” value="[MYClientID]"
add key=“okta:OrgUri” value=“https://dev-[MYACCOUNTID]”
add key=“okta:RedirectUri” value=“http://localhost:8080/authorization-code/callback
add key=“okta:PostLogoutRedirectUri” value=“http://localhost:8080/Account/PostLogout

Hi @ngugliotti

What are the flows that you have enabled for the OIDC application and what is the response_type that you are sending to /authorize endpoint?

Im not sure what you mean by the flows that I have enabled for the OIDC?

ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.CodeIdToken

Thank you so much for the help, much appreciated!

Hi @ngugliotti

Can you please open a support ticket with Developer Support Team by sending an email to to have this issue further investigated?

Sure of course, thanks again!