Error while accessing the authorize roue

Hey guys, I am getting an error while i am trying to send a request for {{baseurl}}/authorize---->>

i am using these parms
redirect_uri: http://app.outgrow.local,
client_id: 0oagef4z57ed9dLCJ0h7,
scope: ‘openid email’,
response_type: ‘code’,
response_mode: ‘query’,
nonce: ‘fdfgsfgsfdgf’,

Hi @chandulella23,

were you able to fix this issue ? I am having the exact same problem :frowning:

Best Regards,

Hi @po2040234

Can you please check on your end that the authorization server used has a policy to accept the flow used by the OIDC application? This can be done from Admin >> Security >> API >> Authorization Servers >> your authorization server >> Access Policy >> policy that apply to the user >> rule that apply to the user.

Hi @dragosm

Thank you for your answer, matter fact the issue was the version of the Okta library, to fix the issue I had to downgrade from the lates version to
@okta/okta-angular”: “^1.2.1”,
@oktadev/schematics”: “^0.8.3”,

Best Regards,


That error seems to imply that the application within Okta is not configured to allow “Authorization Code” as a grant type. You should be able to use the newest version of the SDK + Authorization Code flow if you enable that grant type.

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