Event hooks - Retrieving Okta Payload Data

We have configured an event hook which gets triggered after an user updated his profile attributes.The event hook is working fine.But we want to check what attributes got updated and their values. For that,is there a way we can get the complete JSON payload passes by Okta during profile updation ?. Okta has shared a sample Payload for user login event here https://developer.okta.com/docs/concepts/event-hooks/#sample-event-delivery-payload . We are looking for something similar for profile update event,



Unfortunately, Okta does not currently have an event that will provide the values of the fields that have been updated.

If you are looking for the fields that got updated, then, for user.account.update_profile, please check data.events.debugContext.debugData.changedAttributes field.


I am tring to call my mulesoft endpoint when any event occure in okta, I am trying to configure the Event hook, but getting some issue, need some guidance. Someone help me on that issue.
Note : I thing you already solved that issue, can you help me on that.

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