Event Hooks Return userId in JSON payload

We have configured an event hook which gets triggered after an user activated or deactivated.The event hook is working fine. And returning the JSON payload. But we want to check which user is activated or deactivated. For that,is there a way we can get the complete JSON payload passed by Okta with UserID during activation or deactivation ?. Okta has shared a sample Payload for event here https://developer.okta.com/docs/concepts/event-hooks/#sample-event-delivery-payload
It returns JSON payload with the ACTOR info. Is there any way we can have TARGET in the JSON payload


I think actor is the user indeed, which is being activated

No actor is the admin user
It does not return the user which is activated or deactivated

Sorry, I was wrong about the actor… But I just ran a quick POC and I see that target is there

It is working now.
It seems I was not parsing the complete JSON payload.
Thanks a lot :grinning:

Hi Rahul,

I am also trying some things, but getting some issues while configuring the Event hook to our endpoint. Can you provide some solution to that? I am getting hook time out issues.

@Dinesh003 Hook time out issues can occur if the server that you are sending the hooks requests to is not responding within 3 seconds (the default hoot timeout) or is inaccessible (endpoint must be publicly accessibly for Okta to send a request). Please ensure you are responding to the hook within this time frame.

If you still see this issue occur, I recommend reaching out to support@okta.com so they can look into this a bit further with you.

Hi Andreaskours,

Thanks for your response, Still I am facing issues on that time out issue, I just working with the Okta support team, hopefully, will get some better solution. I will let you know the details on that.
And I implemented the flow using mulesoft, Did you already tried this event hook, if know that, can you please share something to me, so it will help to get a better understanding of the event hook.


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