Flask-Oidc - Redirect_URI error

Has anyone been able to authenticate properly? The login attemps to redirect and the correct path is registered in Okta for URI

I launch on local host a protected path, expecting to be redirected to the login page.

I get this error:

Your request resulted in an error. The ‘redirect_uri’ parameter must be a Login redirect URI in the client app settings:

I am fairly certain this is the same problem reported here but unanswered.
The tutorials have not been updated and Flask-OIDC is not really maintained anymore. Is there another way to use Okta with Python?


This error means that whatever is specified as the redirext_uri is not registered as a login redirect URI in the Okta OIDC application.

Can you verify by testing the application and open the dev console window. For the /authorize call check the request parameters sent and make sure the expected redirect_uri is being sent and the exact value is present in your Okta Orgs OIDC application valid login redirect URIs.

Thank You,


The redirect parameter It is in the URL query :slight_smile:
Your request resulted in an error. The ‘redirect_uri’ parameter must be a Login redirect URI in the client app settings: okta-dev-16525609 - Sign In

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