This is the class I’m trying to use => okta-idx-java/api/src/main/java/com/okta/idx/sdk/api/client/ at master · okta/okta-idx-java · GitHub
This is how I’ve imported the SDK into my maven project
This is the sample Sprint application => okta-idx-java/samples/embedded-auth-with-sdk/src/main/java/com/okta/spring/example/controllers/ at master · okta/okta-idx-java · GitHub
private IDXAuthenticationWrapper idxAuthenticationWrapper;
I’m trying to do the same but on my Sling+OSGI application. I’ve tried
import com.okta.idx.sdk.api.client.IDXAuthenticationWrapper;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
public class MyClass
private IDXAuthenticationWrapper idxAuthenticationWrapper1;
private IDXAuthenticationWrapper idxAuthenticationWrapper2;
public main() {
IDXAuthenticationWrapper idxAuthenticationWrapper3 =
new IDXAuthenticationWrapper();
and all 3 variables return null.
Any ideas on how to get it work? thanks