Login Initiated By setting through api


Trying to automate an OIDC chiclet creation process using the API. Maybe i’m just missing something, but how can you set the ‘Login Initiated By’ setting to ‘Either okta or app’ using the API?

The help says " When a Web app contains the value implicit for grant_types_supported , admins can publish chiclets with the Login Initiated By feature." This seems like it might imply an admin has to manually change this setting after creation.

I can create the chiclet, but it has the default app only setting. Any and all help appreciated, I included relevant app settings below.

name = “oidc_client”
response_types = @(“id_token”,“code”)
grant_types = @(“implicit”,“authorization_code”)
application_type = “web”
token_endpoint_auth_method = “client_secret_post”

Set the “initiate_login_uri” parameter:

Setting that parameter does not change the “Login initiated by” from its default value of “App Only” on creation. It can still be “App Only” and have a value in that field.

Hi @mallad

Unfortunately, the “Login Initiated By” option can not be customized at this time via the public API for managing applications and clients.


It turns out it can be, but through an undocumented api call.

Can you explain how?

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