Looking for OKTA MAUI SDK

We are migrating one of our XF app to MAUI and there is this nuget named OKTA Xamarin that we are using, this library gives access to Okta context and Statemanager code which helps us validate the tokens and store them.

Is there any similar thing that is available for MAUI or what is the alternative for same?

Hi @saurabh9929

May be this blog might help you How to Add Authentication to .NET MAUI Apps | Okta Developer
Check to see if the existing Okta .Net libraries might help to achieve the same outcome.

We have support for MAUI in our Auth0 .NET OIDC SDK GitHub - auth0/auth0-oidc-client-net: OIDC Client for .NET Desktop and Mobile applications
I don’t believe there is a NuGet package dedicated for Okta MAUI currently.

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@nikitag : Hello Nikita, I have gone through some articles and I have installed the same nuget, this helps me with Okta authentication and login, however with Xamarin SDK we were able to do a lot of checks Using the Statemanger and Context.

For Example:

if(OktaContext.Current.StateManager != null && !OktaContext.Current.StateManager.IsAccessTokenExpired)
                        await OktaContext.Current.RenewAsync(OktaContext.RefreshToken);

                        if (OktaContext.AccessToken != null)

@nikitag : Any suggestions.

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