At the moment I want to use the sign in widget to customize a new signin. The login mechanism works fine, because it is based on the example of your GITHUB application okta/ samples-js-vue the customized version.
We have now the usecase to add a customized registration form, too. I know that somehow this is also possible. So I added in the Login.vue file the following:
// Changes to widget functionality
features: {
registration: true, // Enable self-service registration flow
rememberMe: true, // Setting to false will remove the checkbox to save username
// multiOptionalFactorEnroll: true, // Allow users to enroll in multiple optional factors before finishing the authentication flow.
// selfServiceUnlock: true, // Will enable unlock in addition to forgotten password
// smsRecovery: true, // Enable SMS-based account recovery
// callRecovery: true, // Enable voice call-based account recovery
router: true // Leave this set to true for the API demo
the switch registration: true leads to the fact, that a nice link is shown on the login page.
But when clicking on the link, I don’t see a customizeable registration form, i just see that i am redirected to http://localhost:8081/signin/register with a logo but no content here.
What must i now do to show a customizable registration form?
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import Vue from ‘vue’
import Router from ‘vue-router’
import ‘semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css’
import Auth from ‘@okta/okta-vue’
import HomeComponent from ‘@/components/Home’
import LoginComponent from ‘@/components/Login’
import ProfileComponent from ‘@/components/Profile’
import MessagesComponent from ‘@/components/Messages’
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
I assume the following:
I need to add a route to the registration form (which i have not done already)
I need to become a member of the Beta Programm of Okta, because it says in the documentation of the widget:
Beta feature: The registration feature is currently a Beta feature. This widget functionality won’t work unless your Okta organization is part of the Beta program. For help, contact
your code isn’t formatted and a bit hard to read. however to see the signup page you’ll have to install vue widget. And add features: { registration: true } at the config section of the login
Yes I have done all that. The question i had initially was, that the customizable registration page is not shown. Can give me an example, what i must do, if the user clicks the link registration? Because the use case for my company is to set up a customized registration page, too!
Do I need to setup a special route for the registration in \router\index.js ?
Or is there something wrong with the version? Because in the documentation it is pointed out that sometimes you need to set a clientId in config and sometimes not, it depends of the version…