Okta login error “Bad Credentials “

I have a springboot (Rest API) application which uses okta authentication service for my rest api. All the configurations are done in application.properties file like client id, client secret, redirect url, issuer etc and when I run the application and try to access the rest api, it prompts the okta login form and upon providing the credentials ( same which I use to access developer.okta.com) it says “Bad Credentials” could anyone please help me to understand what is going wrong here.

Thank you,

I’d suggest logging into your Okta tenant and making sure your app is assigned to Everyone, or at the very least, the user you’re trying to log in with.

Fine let me try that. Thanks for the response.

I have assigned myself as a indivisual user to the app I have created and still getting the same error:

See the below:


Hey there,

I found the issue. It is a bit weird that application.properties file was not getting recognized. Just created a fresh project and configured everything and it works fine now.



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