Okta login stucks at signin page

We are using a okta hosted login with developer account,
trying to integrate login and signup flow.

SPA built using react seems to have no problem when running on localhost, when I hosted this on custom.azuresites.net app get stucks at sign in page, where I can see only authn is success and token is not retrieved and set

any help on this will be much appreciated.

and do we need to have site with https for okta to work?

In your oidc configuration do you have this property set disableHttpsCheck: true?

Can you provide screen shots of the network tab with β€˜All’, not just XHR, or a .har file. If you have a fiddler trace or something comparable that would be even better.

Do you see any messages in the console log?

The authn call shows a 200, what happens next depends if you have MFA setup, so it may not be a XHR call.

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@erik, disable disableHttpsCheck was false and we updated endpoints to https and its working now. Thanks for the response.

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