Okta Signout and login issue with OKTA-Angular lib

We use @Okta/Okta-Angular 2.0.0 library to allow users login and logout.

Upon user logout with OktaAuthService, the fiddler can observe API GET /oauth2/v1/logout?id_token_hint= with proper response code HTTP 302 FOUND. (signout complete)

After proper signout, if we sign in being in the same browser tab or different tab or close/open browser, okta asks only user name and never cares password. it returns access token redirects of Angular application. Can you suggest, how can we make Okta to ask password every time? is it a problem in the Okta-Angular library or a configuration change in OKTA IDM. Kindly confirm

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Do you see any kind of error in your browser’s console? I haven’t had any issues with logout and the Angular SDK. If I logout, it prompts for my credentials as expected.

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I had no errors.the signout happens gracefully. But when clicking sign - it doesn’t ask for password - takes just user name and logs in

Then the problem might be how you have Okta configured. You could create a new developer account and register a new app to see if the behavior is different.

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I will try it. As you mentioned, it could be a server side configuration

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