Hi, I’m building a patient portal app and I want the my app to have SSO with Epic’s Mychart system. I have found on Okta’s site that “For patients, Okta’s Single Sign-On (SSO) enables simple, secure access to Epic MyChart, a web-based portal that centralizes all their health information in one convenient location.” (Ref: Okta + Epic).
However, I couldn’t find any instruction on Okta’s site regarding how to configure in order to enable SSO access to MyChart.
Did anyone find related instruction or have any related experience? Thanks.
I was looking for solution for the same as well. Could you guide me into that if you got to know about this. I am a new software engineer and don’t have much knowledge into that
Assuming there’s not an existing app in our Okta Integration Network for this service provider, as long as you have documentation from the SP (Epic MyChart) on how to set up a SAML connection with an Identity Provider (even if they don’t have an Okta specific guide), you should be able to create a Custom SAML app in your Okta tenant and configure it manually so that it points to the Epic MyChart