Pass username on URL login okta

Hi ,

When the client redirects the user to Okta login page to enter the credentials , I would like the name of the client to be repeated … in the entry filed ? (not entered !)

(like ADFS login permit it with the %user,ameù in the URL / REST API)

Hi @Philippe:

When making an authorization request, you can append the login_hint parameter with the user’s username. This will populate the login field when the user is redirected to Okta.

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We connect with SAML v2.0, not OpenId, and the “login_hint” at the end of the Url does not seem OK

There isn’t a comparable to login_hint in SAML. Your client could authetnicate and create a session with Okta using OpenID Connect, then redirect the user to the client app link to get SAML.

Just a thought and a workaround, I know it is not ideal.

Unfortunenatly we do not have the support of OpenID Connect with the version of ADFS 2.0 who manage the federation Identity

Understood, I would open a support case for this particular ER to make sure it makes it to the right team. That team isn’t currently involved in the dev forum.


Any idea if this feature is now supported for SAML authentication.
Thanks in advance.

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