Proxy/Netty: connection timed out

Sorry for the delay on this one.

It looks like this is a known issue for Spring Security:

I have a couple of suggestions:

  1. Remove the need for a proxy, you could whitelist the domains you need (or specific URLs if needed)
    I know this isn’t always possible, especially when someone else manages the network, but it’s easiest option, so I figured I’d suggest it

  2. Override the WebClient where it’s used.

You could BeanPostProcessor it, and tweak the WebClient

same for

If you are also validating JWTs you would need to replace the ReactiveJwtDecoder bean from:

With something like:


Where your custom webClient is something like:

HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create()
            .tcpConfiguration(tcpClient -> tcpClient
                .proxy(proxy -> proxy
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