hi, i’m trying to do the password recovery flow using the sendEmail = false method to customize the mail i’m sending to the user. Also, I would like to customize the form where the user enters the new password and finally the url to which it redirects after changing the password. then I managed to edit the mail because I receive the url of the form and I would need help to customize:
customize the password form. ???
customize the redirect url after entering the new password. ???
Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to your responses.
For the first question (which will influence my answer to the second question), are you asking about customizing the UI for the Okta hosted password reset form, or are you looking to have a custom hosted page handle this flow?
yes i try to modify all UI for the Okta hosted password reset form.
just if first is not possible i try the secund
or in secund approach using the custom hosted page handler this flow
The first is not possible right now, the password reset UI is un-customizable. Ditto for setting your own redirect url.
If the user is completing the password reset in the middle of an SP-initiated flow and they complete the reset in the same browser they attempted to log into an application, I believe you should see them redirected to the application, as as a user who logged in without having to do a password recovery flow. Is that now what you see occurring?