SAML Certificate Expiration Notice

Hey all, Dave from Okta here - I wrote this template a few years back to notify admins of any soon-to-expire SAML certificates in their org. In its current form, it will work for up to 2000 apps, but it’s easily modifiable to process as many as you need.

Attached are the template notes and the flowpack folder. Enjoy!
dcCertificateExpirationNotice.folder (295.7 KB)
Workflows Discovery - Certificate Expiration (38.2 KB)


Hi Dave. Thanks for sharing!
When I try to import the flow I’m getting an error. Attached a screenshot.

‘The Flow contains Accounts not accessible to the requesting client.’

Will this also report on SAML encryption certs?

Hmm, not 100% sure, but my flow is built with Okta, Google and O365 Mail connections - maybe you don’t have those in your environment (Gmail or O365)?

Hi @Mockup4521 - Could you share the error screenshot?

Thanks Dave & Max. I’m a new user, the forum is still not allowing me to upload a picture.

Would make sense, I don’t have Google or O365 connections. Anyway, I can modify the download to remove that requirement? Also do you happen to know if it supports the SAML encryption cert expiry? That’s what we are after.

Yes, that’s what it does. Let me remove those cards and re-upload it to see if that will work for you. Give me a few minutes…

Ok, try this one - I removed the Gmail and O365 cards. You’ll just need ot come up with a way to notify someone if a cert is expiring…
dcCertificateExpirationWarningNoEmail.folder (290.6 KB)

Imported just fine. Thanks Dave!

Great! Let me know if you have any questions.