In this help doc it mentions that “Okta Provisioning Agent supports provisioning capabilities using SCIM 2.0, such as entitlement discovery, user creation/read/update/delete, and lifecycle management. It doesn’t support push groups.” . But when I tested with the latest Okta agent , it is still using the SCIM 1.1 specification for sending requests. Is SCIM 2.0 is supported in Okta provisioning agent or not ? If not what is the status of the support ?
I think there is Feature to enable it, but even then it’s said “Contact Support”
How do I enable it ? I have contacted support but there was no response from them.
@Andrea what would you say?
It does look like there are some features that need to be enabled by support in order to use the SCIM 2.0 OPP agent, and the correct process would be to open a case with our support team to receive assistance with getting this enabled.
Did you open a support case from an org that is part of your contract with Okta (like your Production or Preview tenant) or did you perhaps try to get this enabled on a Developer Free org instead?
For our on-premise product, we’ve developed APIs based on the SCIM 2.0 specifications. One of our customers now wants to integrate their Okta Identity with our product using SCIM. To test this integration, I set up a developer trial account and configured the agent and application for user SCIM provisioning. However, the integration failed because the agent was still using SCIM 1.1.
Previously, I emailed the support team to inquire about SCIM 2.0 support, but I didn’t receive a response. How can I enable the SCIM 2.0 feature for a developer trial organization?
@andrea can you help me with this ?
Per Support policy, we cannot enable features in Developer orgs. While I’m checking internally to see if there is any change to make this a fully self-serviceable feature (instead of it being grayed out under Settings → Features), it may simply be that we are unable to enabled this for you unless you have a paid account with us and can open a support case. Anyone with a Developer org is unable to receive 1:1 support for their issues via our Help Center, including assistance with feature enablement.
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