SDK IDX Use Okta Verify TOTP?


What call do I make to tell the SDK I want to use the Okta Verify App TOTP?

I thought it’d be:

const res = await authClient.idx.proceed({
authenticator: “okta_verify”,
methodType: “totp”,
exchangeCodeForTokens: false,

But the next step in res is poll…


If you are trying to submit the code using IDX, can you try using

authClient.idx.proceed({ verificationCode: passCode }).then(handleTransaction).catch(showError);

the passCode being the 6 digit code from the Okta Verify App.

That doesn’t work… I get to the point where nextStep is “challenge-poll”, then try to call proceed with the code and get requestDidSucceed = true, but the next step is still challenge-poll.

neededToProceed is challenge-poll and select-authenticator-authenticate

Ah I found my issue.


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