Set implictAssignment to true during creation of OIDC applications using OIDCApplicationBuilder

I am creating an OIDC application using the Okta Java SDK. I am using OIDCApplicationBuilder to create the application. I want to enable Federation Broker Mode by setting implicitAssignment to true during the creation. But I am unable to set the field using the builder during creation. Can someone help me with this?

Hey @jayv98, sorry for the delay. We’re looking at adding this support in the next major version of the Java Management SDK.

You can follow the PR on Github: Added missing fields to OIDCApplicationBuilder by arvindkrishnakumar-okta · Pull Request #765 · okta/okta-sdk-java · GitHub

@jayv98 This is now available in v10.0.0

Make sure to follow our migration guide if upgrading from 8.x to 10.x

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