Set up Okta Org using CLI, forgot to set up password using unique link

I followed the: tutorial here.

I got to the step similar to below, but I forgot to use the link to set up password before closing the cmd window. Could anybody help me to reset it, or find the link again?

Registering for a new Okta account, if you would like to use an existing account, use 'okta login' instead.

First name: Micah
Last name: Silverman
Email address:
Company: Okta
Creating new Okta Organization, this may take a minute:
An email has been sent to you with a verification code.

Check your email
Verification code: 189919
New Okta Account created!
Your Okta Domain:
To set your password open this link:

Select a sample
> 1: Spring Boot + Okta
> 2: Vue + Okta
> 3: ASP.NET Core MVC + Okta
> 4: Angular + Okta
Enter your choice [Spring Boot + Okta]: 3
Configuring a new OIDC Application, almost done:
Created OIDC application, client-id: 0oa6kobyoZO41crqQ5d5