I am new to web development in general so I’m certain I’m just doing something silly.
I have set up a Net Core 2.0 Mvc web page which is being hosted on AWS. It is essentially a shell at the moment and doesn’t actually do anything at all. It’s just a test harness for me to build on and learn from.
I have it set up with my Okta account to handle user authentication/authorization. If I run locally in my visual studio environment everything works just fine. I can login and log out and end up right where I am supposed to be on the site.
When I try to access the site on AWS through my domain. I get a 400 ‘Bad Request’ error with the added information of:
Identity Provider: Unknown
Error Code: invalid_request
Description: The ‘redirect_uri’ parameter must be an absolute URI that is whitelisted in the client app settings.
I assume that since I can actually get to the website by itself, that one of two things are happening.
Either the settings I have in Okta are incorrect OR perhaps the port assignments in AWS’s security group is not correct.
My Okta application settings are:
Login Redirect URIs:
Logout redirect URIs
Login initiated by: App Only
Initiate login URI [[removed because new users can’t post so many links]]
Under Trusted Origins
name: my_domain_name_net
origin url: [[removed because new users can’t post so many links]]
CORS and REDIRECT are both checked.
On AWS my security profile has inbound rules for port 80 and port 51400 so both ports should be open.
As far as the settings above, I assumed that localhost did not mean the EC2 instance but rather my local computer. So that is why I added the myDomainName.net URIs. Should I take those out? Maybe change them to port 80?
any idea what’s going on?