SPA Uses Hash Fragments, How to set up redirect URI without hash fragments?

Hi Guys,

I’m setting up Okta onto a .net core SPA.

The routes in the SPA use hash uri fragments, Okta doesn’t let you use a URI with a hash fragment as the redirect. I’m redirecting to a base url to get the success response, and it does store it but my app gets buggy and returns a not found for that route and redirects to the default home page again. It does work, but its not smooth, anyone have a solution for this?

Thank you

Hi @goldbeedev

Can you please try to URL encode the hash sign, in order to have it passed inside the URL and not stripped?

Hi Okta Community!
Do we have any resolution on this? We are facing the same challenge.

@goldbeedev - Did you implement any alternative solution for this?

Thank you!