SSO Implementation for Zero application

Hi, I’m trying to implement SSO for my zero angular application. For that, I’m using for my angular side implementation.
But I can’t able to get “idToken”
it’s always giving me undefined.
I’m implementing
Complete Okta Session and OIDC Token Example
also I’m getting 401 error for - “https:// {yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/token”.

Can anyone please help me with this implementation?


Are you able to see the /authorize call being made and is it successful? What OAuth flow are you trying to use?

For the 401 on /token, you may be getting this because the Org you are testing in does now have access to the “Default” custom authorization server. Can you try setting your issuer to just your Okta domain, instead of https://{{oktaDomain}}/oauth2/default?