Storing emails case insensitively

One of the SCIM CRUD API tests here is failing for my SCIM integration: Test your Okta SCIM integration | Okta Developer

The test creates a user with an uppercase email and then asserts that when you GET the information for the user over my SCIM api, the “emails” field in the User schema matches exactly.

My application stores all its emails case insensitively in lowercase in our database, so the test fails because we return the emails in lowercase instead of in a mixture of uppercase and lowercase. My understanding from reading the SCIM protocol is that emails can be thought of as case insensitive.

Is this an actual problem with my SCIM integration, or is it acceptable for my integration to return emails in lowercase from the /Users endpoint?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I checked with our OIN submission team and they have confirmed that it is all right if your SCIM server is not case sensitive when it comes to usernames. As long as other tests are passing, just make sure to note this when making your submission and you should be all set!

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Great, thank you for the answer!