Hello, I am trying to remove mapping from saml_idp to user, but when following directions here, it is still not removing the mapping: Profile Mappings
To get the mappingId I first do a call /api/v1/mappings?sourceId={idpId}, then I use the mappingId from this call to do a POST /api/v1/mappings/{mappingId} with the body below:
“properties”: {
“mobilePhone”: {
“expression”: null,
“pushStatus”: null
I get status code 200 suggesting it was successful, but in the body of the response, I still see mobilePhone listed as an active mapping and in the tenant I still see the mapping active too. Example of response below.
“properties”: {
“firstName”: {
“expression”: “source.firstName”,
“pushStatus”: “PUSH”
“lastName”: {
“expression”: “source.lastName”,
“pushStatus”: “PUSH”
“email”: {
“expression”: “source.email”,
“pushStatus”: “PUSH”
“mobilePhone”: {
“expression”: “source.mobilePhone”,
“pushStatus”: “PUSH”
“login”: {
“expression”: “source.userName”,
“pushStatus”: “PUSH”
Are there any suggestions I can try to get the mapping removed?