I want to use Okta as an OIDC on top of SAML2/shibboleth (my university is using shibboleth).
I have created my SAML2 identity provider.
I am being redirected to my university login page.
But then Okta returns a 400.
Your request resulted in an error.
The logs are not super informative:
- DebugData
* AttributeNames[urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3, urn:oid:, urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:, urn:oid:]
* RequestIdXk9ccKP1okXzdnl3s9jGDwAAAZ0
* RequestUri/sso/saml2/0oa2cyy7h5oknbsGV4x6]
* ThreatSuspectedfalse
* Url/sso/saml2/0oa2cyy7h5oknbsGV4x6?
- LegacyEventType
Given that shibboleth has been around for a while, I am surprised that the default attribute mapping does not work out of the box.
Has anyone been successful interfacing with shibboleth?
Is there a mapping I could borrow?