Value for required property ... is missing (but attribute is not even defined in Profile Editor)

In an OIDC app, when trying to create a user, I’m getting this error:

"errorCauses":[{"errorSummary":"company: Value for required property company is missing"},{"errorSummary":"okta_externalid: Value for required property okta_externalid is missing"}]

Checking Directory → Profile Editor → <App User>, there’s no company or externalid listed.

Where exactly are those required fields defined?

It sounds like the user is authenticating via a Social IdP (can be a generic OIDC app) where the social IdP user profile has these attributes defined as required, but the IdP is not providing them.

Thanks @erik , the customer says they’re not using anything like that. Is there any other possible cause for this issue?

Do these attributes existing in the Okta User Profile (not the application profile)? Are they set to required there?