Where do i find Client Secret

I am tryiing to run postman imported collections from okta to Get ID Token with Code.
Can any one tell me where does client secret lies in the application for authorization to make a request.
username : client id (i got this one in the application general settings)
password: client secret (help me through this one)

If you chose "Web" on "Add Application", you can see on the the "General" tab, Client Credentials section with Client ID and Client Secret as pictured below:

But if you choose the Single page App there’s no client secret, just client ID.

In your case, I guess you chose Single Page App option.

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Thanks for your reply,
Yeah i choosed SPA but in case if i want to get access token i need to make a request https://dev-654002.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/token .

Here i need to provide client id and client secret as Authorization

Tthere’s separate thread regarding the token endpoint thru postman, maybe try their methodology see if that’s fix your issues.

What is the proper way to handle logout on SPA applications?

Hi @sibelius

You can use /logout endpoint which is described here to log out the user successfully.