Hi. We’re enabling self-registration via the sign in widget. The self registration mode looks good, coming from the login page.
Is there a way to start up the signIn widget in self-registration mode? Here’s the use case: We use the sign in widget on my.andela.com for authentication. We would like to have a link on andela.com to point to the self-registration. We’re using Angular, and I can set up a route for registration, and then, if on that route, do what it takes to make the self-registration form appear. Is this feasible?
I was unable to post it as an idea… when I tried to set up an account to post it, it said it was sending a verification email which I haven’t gotten. Feel free to repost my original message if you wish.
Any, I’ve come up with a hacky workaround. We load the page with the sign up widget container totally transparent. In the afterRenderHandler, if we are on the sign up Angular route, I get a reference to the registration link, and call its click() method. Once the registration form loads, I add a class to the container which makes it opaque.