How to create custom roles without resource set

Dear all,

I would like to know, if we can create custom roles and to assign to a set of users or groups without giving the resource set?
Let’s say for instance, I would like to give the possibility to a team to create applications and managing applications without having access to all org in Okta, it is possible?

Thank you,

Check out my screenshot… I’m able to create roles without a resource set and just give it permissions. In this example, I gave it permissions to manage applications.

As shown on the screen:

After creating a role, you can further constrain it to a resource set. See best practices for creating a role assignment.

Additionally, in your example, you might just be able to get away with using one of the Standard Roles, e.g. App Admin.

Hello Bryan,

Thank you for the explanation.

But , if I follow this, the teams will have access to the whole org in Okta , which is not desired for us.
There is any way to create an app and assign automatically to a resource set, so we can just grant access to the target teams to manage their own resource sets?

Thank you,
Nelson Matos