Need some help with error 400 bad request for my production site

I have created an application in React and followed the directions posted on Okta web site in regards to SignInWidget. I have set redirect_uri to {window.location.origin + “/implicit/callback”}. I have it up and running in my dev environment (http://localhost:3000) but I am getting the following error in production running on AWS EC:

Description: The ‘redirect_uri’ parameter must be an absolute URI that is whitelisted in the client app settings.

I’m able to manually access the following page in production:

In addition, here are the production settings:


I’d appreciate any pointers in getting my production site up and running.

Thanks so much.

I got help from Okta support team and they were able to pin point the issue. My issue was that I have multiple applications configured and I was using the incorrect application client id for my production site.

Thanks to Okta support team in helping me with resolving this issue!


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