I’m going through the instructions to get our SCIM application published in the Okta Integration Network.
The Okta SCIM 2.0 CRUD Test JSON require two new environment variables (oktaOrgUrl and oktaAppId). The instructions do not mention where to get the values for these variables.
Where can I get those values or do we get these after the application is published in the OIN?
It also requires us to write the configuration guide before the application is published in the OIN, which makes it hard to verify if our instructions are correct.
The oktaOrgUrl is the base url for your org. Like: https://micah.oktapreview.com. the oktaAppId can be found in the URL when you navigate to the app definition.
Thanks, did I miss that somewhere in the documentation? If not, it would help to add that to the documentation.
Also, there’s little instructions on how to run the SCIM CRUD tests. Which variables need to be defined up front and which are set by the script itself.